Carl Resigns from MCLA Position
SONOMA, Calif. – Long-time MCLA coach, conference director, Hall of Fame committee member and board member Doug Carl has announced his retirement from the position of eligibility coordinator as the 2021 season concludes.
Carl was instrumental in developing the MCLA’s eligibility protocol over the years and protecting the true student-athlete experience.
“Our entire organization hinges on everyone competing on the same playing field in terms of eligibility,” said MCLA president Ken Lovic. “Doug has done a remarkable job providing that for us over the years, which includes making a lot of really difficult decisions. He will be sorely missed, but we wish him nothing but the very best.”
Carl led Sonoma State to MCLA tournament championships in 2002 and 2005, with the Seawolves winning it all in ’02 with a 13-10 victory over Colorado State. He coached countless All-American and two Hall of Fame inductees.
He crafted a goodbye letter for the MCLA.
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To the MCLA – past, present and future – working with you all has been a great privilege.
Twenty-one (twenty active, of course) years ago, I was strong-armed by Mike Annala into being the WCLL representative to the MCLA board (I returned the favor years later by helping make him treasurer--a move from which we all benefited). Then came a series of titles and positions.
In my opinion, we took one of our biggest steps requiring athletes to be certified by their institutions as ‘fully-enrolled,’ and I embraced the role with the theme of ‘every STUDENT gets FOUR years. Period.’ We won’t get into how many hours went into defining a ‘season.’
I had the pleasure to meet many who will be lifelong friends. I cannot possibly name them all, so I won’t try.
My first reaction upon hearing the MCLA Board has granted another year, then two, was that I would see us through this morass that awaits on the other side.
Upon reflection, I think that task will best be done by someone who will keep the position not just through this difficult time, but after we emerge on the other end.
Whoever agrees to the job, I say this: It is incredibly rewarding to award that extra year, and it is equally devastating to say, “Your career is over.” The first outweighs the second.
Anyone interested in the position can call me with any questions.