DIV II /  Lone Star Alliance IND


Head Coach


Norman, OK



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# First Last Year Elig Position Height Weight Hometown
6 Ryan Dale Sr 1st Attack Dallas
30 Austin DeJohn Jr 1st Midfield St. Louis
11 Jonathon Delay Jr 1st Defense Flower Mound
13 David Floyd So 1st Defense Stephenville
21 Kevin Froelich So 1st Attack Plano
10 Justin Gell Jr 1st Midfield Midlothian
88 Brad Hardy Jr 1st Midfield Tulsa
23 Brian Havens Jr 1st Midfield Tulsa
34 Sean Hewett Fr 1st Defense Coppell
28 David Higbee Jr 1st Midfield Tulsa
18 Joey Hokit Fr 1st Goalie Okemah
20 Michael Hubach Sr 1st Defense Dallas
17 Zach Huff Fr 1st Defense Eufaula
24 Justin Huston Gr 1st Midfield Fort Worth
8 Erik Martin Jr 1st Midfield Tulsa
37 Blaine McGaffigan So 1st Defense Southlake
9 Ross Moe Jr 1st Attack Tuls
4 John Murphy So 1st Midfield Carrolton
12 Joey Myers Jr 1st FOGO Plano
22 John Nobles Jr 1st Midfield Sand Springs
45 Alex Perry Fr 1st Defense Powell
43 Greg Scott Jr 1st Attack McKinney
19 Darren Smith So 1st Midfield Calgary
25 Trey Thompson So 1st Attack Edmond
33 Norvan Vartevan So 1st Midfield Plano
44 Hunter Viers So 1st Defense Dallas
1 Dan Wade Jr 1st Midfield Tulsa
5 Ray Wilcox So 1st Midfield Plano
First Last Title(s) Hometown

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